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Management Essentials

When you’re a manager, there are some basic, essential skills everyone should have. Whether it’s setting clear work priorities, building great teamwork, listening well to others, or performing a performance review. Each of the skills impact how effective you’ll be as a manager. The Management Essentials e-course will help you build these skills and others. By giving you on the job development exercises to evaluate performance, set clear expectations, and create the right level of challenging work, you’ll build the skills required to be a great and motivating manager for each of your employees. This bite-sized course includes:
  • Giving Clear Work Priorities
  • What Employees Need
  • Reinforce Great Teamwork
  • Valuing Employees
  • Listening to Others’ Ideas and Opinions
  • Problem Solving Expectations
  • The Right Workload for Employees
  • The Great Things Employees Do
  • An Ethics and Integrity Discussion
  • Perform a Performance Review
  • Creating Challenging Work
  • Receive Feedback From Your
  • Creating a Great Work Situation
  • Evaluating Performance in the Right Way
  • Perform a Departure Review
After successful completion of this course, you will acquire skills to build basic management practices to coach employees, deliver valuable feedback, and recognize the achievements of others. Click here to learn more or to get started.
