Showing posts with label Self-Empowerment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self-Empowerment. Show all posts

April 13, 2024

Financial Infidelity

Financial infidelity is a growing trend in many households today, especially among women, and empowering them to decrease this trend involves education, communication, and proactive financial management strategies. Let's look at how financial infidelity impacts women:
  1. Economic Dependence: Women often experience economic disparities and may be financially dependent on their partners, especially in traditional or patriarchal family structures. If their relationship ends, women will experience economic vulnerability with limited resources and unexpected financial challenges.

  2. Mental Health: The stress and anxiety resulting from financial infidelity can take a toll on women's mental health. They may experience depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues as they navigate the emotions of betrayal and uncertainty about their financial future.

  3. Limited Financial Autonomy: Financial infidelity can limit women's financial autonomy and decision-making power within the relationship. If women are unaware of their partner's financial actions or have limited access to economic resources, they will feel disempowered to make informed choices about their well-being.

  4. Barriers to Seeking Help: Women may face additional barriers to seeking help or leaving a relationship characterized by financial infidelity. Societal norms, cultural expectations, and the fear of judgment can deter women from seeking support or taking steps to handle their financial situation. Women may also worry about the impact financial infidelity has on their children or fear the stigma associated with spousal abandonment, divorce, or separation.

  5. Long-Term Financial Consequences: Financial infidelity can have long-term financial consequences for women, affecting their ability to achieve financial goals, build wealth, and secure their future. It may result in depleted savings, damaged credit, or missed opportunities for investments or career advancement.

  6. Impact on Children: If children are involved, financial infidelity can have ripple effects on their well-being and development. Women may bear the primary responsibility for managing household finances; ensuring their children's needs are met, placing additional strain on their emotional and financial resources.

Financial infidelity can have profound and multifaceted impacts on women, affecting their economic security, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. It is essential to recognize and address the unique challenges faced by women in navigating financial infidelity and to provide support and resources to help them regain control of their finances and rebuild trust in their relationships.

July 3, 2023

Don't Shrink

Love is a powerful force that can infiltrate light in the darkness and melt the hardness of a cold heart. It is a force that is supposed to represent God's love on Earth through relationships. However, when people do not understand the purpose of love, they abuse it! They ask people to do things to prove their loyalty and love that is contrary to God's purpose and His love.

On the other hand, when Jesus died on the Cross, He did so to express His unconditional love for humankind. He knew the shedding of His blood on the Cross would be the final time blood would have to be shed for our redemption from sin. Jesus did not shrink or go into hiding. On His journey, He would step away for restoration to continue his ministry and mission. But Jesus never went into hiding because He was clear about who He was, who He was serving, and why He was serving.

Today, many women are in relationships where they have chosen to shrink instead of allowing their love to illuminate because the true purpose of love is not prevalent in their lives. Their spouse or mate is mandating her to negate her identity in the name of love, silence her voice in the name of love, surrender her will in the name of love, and deny her truth and values all in the name of love. These requirements are debilitating! They do not help women elevate to become the best versions of themselves. And our society is replete with women experiencing abuse and being held captive in the illusion of love.

There are four types of love, Eros, Agape, Phileo, and Storge - each type serves a distinct purpose. Learn and study them to discover the ones that have been prevalent in you and your relationships. Allow God's love to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and awareness to evolve into the best version of yourself.

March 8, 2023

True Beauty - Originated from YouVersion Bible App

Proverbs 31 is a well-known chapter in the Bible written by King Lemuel where he shares advice from his mother - a God-fearing, hard-working, generosity-driven woman when he was king. Proverbs 31:30 (KJV) states, “Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord shall be praised.”

Deep within, we know this verse is true. No matter how charming or beautiful a woman is, we know beauty is temporal, charm is finite, and the aging process will run its course. King Lemuel does not mention the physical appearance of his mother; he focuses on her character - described as a woman who fears the Lord.

If you know a woman who loves and respects God, honors and cares for people, invests wisely, and lives intentionally, take a moment to thank God for her life. As she aims to be more like God, strive to be more like her.

February 15, 2023

Live According to Truth

A student wanted to call his mother to tell her he was not having a good day. A teacher asked him why wasn't he having a good day, and he replied, "because nobody likes me." The teacher asked his permission to ask the class if they liked him, and he said, "no." This student has been operating from the belief that all the students at the school do not like him and that he does not fit in. The sad thing is he cannot provide solid proof to validate his feelings or assumptions.

There are a large number of people living according to the fallacy of their feelings! Feelings are tricky! They seldom can be solidified without facts. However, people would rather live in captivity by holding onto their feelings instead of seeking divine truth that can release them from the lies intertwined in their feelings. We were created in the image of God to serve Him and to live a victorious, abundant life! But if we do not realize why God created us, we will shortchange ourselves from experiencing God's unconditional love, hope, and joy!

John 8:32 (KJV) states, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Make time to verify if what you believe is true according to the Word of God! You have one life to live, and you owe it to yourself and God to live according to His truth and not according to your feelings or the opinions of others.

March 6, 2022

Faith is the Key to God's Promises

Realists seem to shun (i.e., people who tend to view or accept things as they are) people who live by faith. On the surface, realists and people who govern their lives by faith are different. But at their core, they are quite the same because they consciously and unconsciously live by faith.

When realists work, they expect payment after completion of their project or workweek. That is unconscious faith because payment is expected, not guaranteed. Conscious faith is an unemployed person who is confident they will secure work with God's help.

Faith is not magic; it is a process of life. We are not faithless beings. The question is, where do we direct our faith and the energy we release when we exercise it? Realists may not believe in a deity like God. Their lives are inspired by what they see. People who believe in God are led by what they cannot see because their hope and assurance are in God's ability to honor His promises!

Click here to view journal pages for this blog post.

February 27, 2022

When God Made You, He Spoke to Himself!

When God made you, He spoke to Himself. Everything God created outside of Himself, He spoke into existence (e.g., Let there be), and it was! When God made humanity, He spoke to Himself and said, Let us make man in our image after our likeness (Genesis 1:26).

The image of God is Triune (i.e., three beings in one)! He is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The image of man is Triune too (i.e., Soul, Body, and Spirit). Being made in God’s image reflects His holiness, His righteous, and His love. When God spoke to Himself to form humanity, He wanted to demonstrate His love through fellowship when He said, “It’s not good for man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18).

Another part of being made in God’s image is the freedom to choose. Adam and Eve were righteous until they ate the forbidden fruit (i.e., rebel against God). Their rebellion marred the image of God within themselves and their decedents. And the scars of their decision (i.e., mentally, socially, morally, and physically) are present in our lives today.

The good news is the original image of God can be restored through God’s grace and faith in Jesus Christ as our Personal Savior. Redemption is available if you need to reconnect with God or establish a relationship with Him. The choice is yours.

Click here view journal pages associated with this blog post.

July 23, 2021

Don't Live Within Your Means

Living within your means is well-intended advice to prevent people from acquiring debt. But could this advice prevent individuals from believing and achieving a bigger and better life?

Mean among many definitions is average. Living outside your means spiritually, emotionally, and socially can lead to an extraordinary life. Here’s how:
  • Write your big dreams and read them daily
  • Create a vision board with images that coincide with your dreams
  • Review, envision, and mediate daily of you achieving your dreams
  • Surround yourself with people who have what you desire
  • Strive for purpose and not security
  • Live by faith and not fear

July 15, 2021

Don't Shoot The Messenger

Doctors write medical prescriptions to help patients heal. Training providers design or deliver training modules to meet the learning needs of their trainees. Patients must take their prescribed medicine according to their doctor's instructions. If they don't, the healing process may not reach its full potential. Trainees that participate in training and place their training material on a shelf will abort their potential to apply what they've learned in their training session.

Doctors and training providers are not perfect, but they are skilled in their craft. If patients and trainees do not use or apply the information given to them to heal or perform better at work or in business, the outcome does not rest in the hands of the physician or trainer. It solely rests in the hands of the patients and trainees.

June 24, 2021

Getting Unstuck

Where are you? Where do you want to go? How are you going to get there? These are the questions a technical instructor asked to help trainees learn how to change directories using DOS (i.e., Disk Operating System).

Post-DOS days, the technical instructor realized these questions apply to our everyday lives, and we believe these questions can help individuals get unstuck in their careers, relationships, or finances. If you feel stuck, click here and download our guide that can help you get unstuck.

April 26, 2019

Technical Communication - an Emphasis in Project Management

There is a strong connection between project management and technical communication. The skills we refine as technical communication have a critical place in project management: communicating content, identifying audience needs, extracting knowledge from subject matter experts, and ensuring quality deliverables. Many technical communicators can step into a project manager role using these highly transferable, existing skills.

How can you work toward a broader role in your organization? What is project management? Why is project management important to the technical communicator? Using an interdisciplinary approach applicable across multiple programs of study, Technical Communication with an Emphasis in Project Management can enhance your understanding of project management and prepare you for a project management career using basic technical writing skills. Click here to learn more.

#ProjectManagement #OnlineCourses #WomeninTech

April 25, 2019

Communicate with Confidence

Don`t know where to put that apostrophe? Bamboozled by "who" and "whom"?

It`s hard to communicate with confidence with uncertain rules about grammar. And there's an easy and fun way to learn the rules. Packed with fun explanations, examples, and memory devices, Communicate with Confidence is the course that can help you learn the crucial aspects of grammar.

Communicate with Confidence has four lessons that target the most common real-life misunderstandings and mistakes that can surface in the workplace or home.

If you're ready to reverse bad habits and ingrained mistakes to converse with confidence click here.

April 2, 2019


  • Security can be obtained from God’s everlasting arms.
  • God is our best security system from past, present, and future sins.
  • God is our security from life’s storms because He is our refuge.
  • Security is dwelling and abiding in the presence of God.
  • Security is knowing that God is our rock, our fortress, and deliverer in the time of trouble.
  • Security is the confidence that God is always near, and He will never leave nor forsake us.
  • Security is the Sovereignty of God because He has all things under His divine power and control.
  • Security is in God’s omniscience because He knows all things.
  • Security is in God’s word because it will not return to Him void.
  • Eternal security is the belief and knowledge that salvation belongs to Jesus Christ.

March 28, 2019


A husband would never have to ask his wife to submit if he’s submitting his will to God. And, it’s quite challenging to surrender your will to a man who doesn’t know his mission for God, his life, and family.

God called man to be the head (leader) of his family; not the boss! There is a difference. When husbands recognize and acknowledge God’s will for them to lead like Jesus led, (i.e., without coercion, but by example), their family will follow with honor and respect; without resistance.

March 26, 2019


  • Define your identity as a vessel for God; not a vessel for society.
  • Identify your uniqueness as a blessing from God who’s constantly unfolding your beauty.
  • Identify your shape, complexion, and size as priceless authentic fine art that can never be duplicated.
  • The antidote to an identity crisis is to define or re-define your being in the sight of God and not man.
  • Your identity will be recognized by the fruits they bear.
  • God’s disciples are identified by the love they show to others.
  • Your behavior will define your identify. So, let not your good be evil spoken of.
  • Be not dismayed if you’re not identified as an important member of an ‘elite’ social group. If you’re one of God’s children, He identifies you as royalty and joint-heirs to Him.

March 24, 2019

A Free Gift

Whenever you have to buy something in order to get something for free, are you really receiving a Free Gift? If you think about it, the gift that’s supposedly free has been paid in full by the required purchase.

One of the most valuable gifts an individual can receive is the gift of Salvation. There is a price for this free gift; however, the wage was paid in full by the death of Jesus Christ (Romans 6:23). You see, something was given in exchange for this precious gift, and it can be obtained by confessing with your mouth, and believing in your heart that Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead. (Romans 10:9).

The gift of Salvation seems to be the most difficult gift for some people to receive freely. Who would rather choose death and not life? Who would rather leave this earth not knowing where they would spend eternity?

When God created man, He created Man in His image (Genesis 2:26-27). God’s image (i.e., God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit), and the image of man is (Soul, Body, and Spirit). Mankind was complete and could fully relate to God. However, mankind disobeyed God by eating from the forbidden tree and that day, mankind died spiritually and could no longer relate to God (Genesis 2:17). To restore this union, blood had to be shed. Blood has been shed by Jesus Christ to restore our relationship with God. God gave His only begotten Son so we may have eternal life. Believe it or not, there is life after this one!

Each day we wake is another opportunity to receive this free gift. This is the day of salvation (II Corinthians 6:2). Salvation is deliverance from eternal damnation, the power of Satan, and the power of sin.

There is a saying, “Live with the end in mind.” Are you living with the thought of where your soul shall rest once you take your last breath? Do you believe your spirit has a final resting place after death? Do you believe time is on your side and you don’t have to think about your eternal destiny? What if your life ended right now? Where would you spend eternity?

Why not consider surrendering your will and life to God right where you are? What do you have to lose? An old lifestyle that brings temporary pleasure or false thrills? Don’t allow doubt or fear to make you pass up an opportunity to receive the Free Gift of Salvation. This is a gift we shouldn’t leave earth without.

March 20, 2019


  • Find time to commune with God daily.
  • Allow your mind to be accessible to God to free you from past negative thoughts, hurts, and sins.
  • Make clear the pathway to your heart so that God may create a clean one in you!
  • God needs available vessels to be used for His glory and to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Make your ears available to God to hear His divine calling.
  • Make your eyes available to God so He can show you where He wants you to go.
  • Make your temple available to God so that He can make it holy.
  • Make your spirit available to receive spiritual truth for spiritual growth.
  • Make yourself available to God to receive His power to enter into a full relationship with Him!

March 17, 2019

Do Not Worry!

There are struggles in life that can become emotional strongholds – things that hold you hostage and keep you from wholeheartedly serving and trusting God and experiencing the abundant life He has promised. One of the most damaging strongholds is worry. It is available for every age and is an obstacle to moving forward. When it is a stronghold in your life, it is a way of life.

We worry about so many things – what do people think about us, do we look fit, are we healthy, and do we have enough money. If you are prone to worry, there is no limit to the possibilities to worry about.

People cope with worrying in a number of ways – some drink to dismiss it, others shop for a distraction, some take naps or go to bed early to avoid it. None of these remedies work because the panic still sets in. In Matthew 6:25, 31-34, Jesus stated three times, “Do not worry!” The Greek word used for “worry” is the concept of being strangled or choked. It leaves you frustrated when you ought to be free and if you are His disciple, then you should stop it.

Worrying is a sin because it is doubt in the power and goodness of God. Some people don’t like to call worrying a sin – they are just “concerned” about something. How do you distinguish concern from worry? Legitimate concern is when you are in control of your thoughts and feelings and illegitimate worry is when the matter controls your thoughts, actions and emotions.

Jesus said, “For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?” (Matthew 6:25-26)

The reason we worry is that we are focusing on the wrong authority. If our Father feeds birds that have no soul, how much more will He take care of us since we are worth even more to Him? Remember His promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you as the first antidote to worry.

This post is from Dr. Tony Evans’ sermon, Stop It! No More Worry. It will provide you with a deeper knowledge of overcoming worry in your life. Please visit

March 15, 2019


  • Be responsible for your actions. No one can make you behave the way you do.
  • Be responsible for your thoughts. No one can make you think what you think.
  • Take ownership of your feelings. No one can make you feel good or bad.
  • Be responsible for your life. No one can make you have a fulfilled or dreadful life.
  • Be responsible for your well-being. No one can define who you are or your purpose for living.
  • Be responsible for how you’re treated. You’re treated the way you allow yourself to be treated.
  • Be responsible for how you treat others. No one can make you be respectful.
  • Be responsible for your relationship with God and others. God and no one can make you love them. The choice is ultimately yours.

March 13, 2019

Character Assassination

”And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set amoung our members, that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the curse of nature; and it is set on fire by hell.” (James 3:6)

”But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessings and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.” (James 3:8-10)

The danger of the tongue. James compares the tongue with fire because it cannot be controlled and the damage it causes cannot be reversed. And, sometimes when water is added, it spreads the fire instead of putting it out!

When I worked in the corporate world, a manager attempted to assassinate my “working” characteristics with lies about my inability to perform tasks in a male-dominated career. The manager also stated, “I was not a team player and did not like to be critized.” I confronted my manager about the accusations and he denied them. In spite of his denial, the rumor had already spread.

One of my favorite scriptures that has helped me in my career is, “whatever I so doeth, do it heartily as unto the Lord and not unto man” (Colossians 3:17). After working with this manager, I realized the importance to work as unto the Lord and not man.

I was provided an opportunity to travel to Florida to assist with deploying and upgrading a system. I believe the manager thought he was setting me up for failure, not knowing he had already been defeated.

My travel time was scheduled for three days, but was extended because of my work performance. And, one of the site managers in Florida was sending email messages to my manager’s supervisor, advising him of my good work. As a result, my assasinated character was brought back to life!

Many of us do not get an opportunity to experience life after a character assassination. Some of us only experience death because we continue to eat its fruit or bring back to life the fruit of “death”. Damaging words can leave deep wounds and scars, but it does not mean we cannot receive healing.

We live in a world where people are vicious like roaring lions that thrive on bringing others down. We do not have control of what people will say or think. However, we have control over our response.

The devil is like a thief. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy our character, but he can never destroy our spirit. Satan uses the tongue to divide relationships. John 4:4 tells us, “greater is He (God) that is within us, than he (Satan) that’s in the world.”

Proverbs gives four types of tongues:
  1. The Controlled
  2. The Caring
  3. The Conniving
  4. The Careless
The first two, should be practiced diligently to bring forth life and unity in our homes, work, and church. The Conniving and Careless tongues should be avoided at all times because they’re poisonous, and do not bring glory and honor to God.

Deborah M. Avens

June 23, 2017

The Truth Shall Make You Free

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32

If the truth makes us free, why are so many of us bound? Are we bound because we haven't defined our truth? Bound because we live through the lens of people (i.e., their opinion) and not our values and beliefs? Bound because we govern our lives according to what we're told, which is contrary to who we are, or who we're striving to become.

No one knows us better than the One who created us. We were fearfully and wonderfully created in His image to glorify and honor Him in everything we say and do. If we're not living our lives to please God, are we neglecting His divine plan for our lives? And, if we're choosing to live according to the opinions, beliefs, and values of others, we're not living authentically. We're forfeiting our true divine freedom.