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Celebrate National Financial Literacy Month

April is National Financial Literacy Month - a time to celebrate and raise awareness about the importance of financial literacy and encourage people to develop smart money management habits. Recent surveys revealed many adults lack basic financial knowledge (e.g., budgeting and saving to understanding credit and investing) which leads to financial challenges. But there's good news! As an Alliance Member with The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), The SOFEI Group contributes to delivering (i.e., training and teaching) Money Smart - a comprehensive program for consumers and small businesses. Money Smart offers free, high-quality financial education materials for people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting your financial journey, Money Smart has something for everyone, and here's how to make the most of it during National Financial Literacy Month:
  1. Explore Interactive Modules: Dive into a treasure trove of interactive online modules covering banking basics, credit management, homeownership, and more. With easy-to-follow lessons and engaging activities, you'll be well on your way to mastering key financial concepts.

  2. Attend Virtual Workshops: Join a Money Smart virtual workshop hosted by financial professionals and industry experts. From live Q&A sessions to interactive discussions, these workshops offer invaluable opportunities to deepen financial knowledge and ask burning questions.

  3. Access Free Resources: Say goodbye to pricey financial courses and costly seminars! Money Smart provides a wealth of free resources, including lesson plans, presentations, worksheets, and training guides designed to build essential money management skills. It's like having a personal financial coach at your fingertips!

  4. Empower Your Community: Spread the word and empower others to take control of their financial futures! Whether you're a teacher, community leader, or concerned citizen, consider the pivotal role in promoting financial literacy by sharing Money Smart resources with your networks and advocating for greater awareness and access to financial education.
This National Financial Literacy Month, please commit to making smarter financial decisions and building brighter futures for ourselves and our communities. With the FDIC's Money Smart Program, the journey to financial empowerment has never been more accessible or rewarding. Visit our website to join us on this journey to unlock the keys to financial success! #FinancialLiteracyMonth #MoneySmart #FinancialEmpowerment
