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How We Get Here?

Having access to statistics about the status of women (especially minority) is great. However, it would be even better if women of color would use data to collaborate and harness their power to change the trajectory of the economic conditions that lingers among women of color.

Over the next few months, The SOFEI Group will host community forums addressing the question, How We Get Here? to discover the underlying causes that negatively impact the lives of women throughout the Washington region. We will seek and encourage input from the community-at-large, social change agents, politicians, spiritual leaders, and subject matter experts. Following are topics we will discuss during the forums:
  1. How We Get Here? – Why black women and their issues are ignored in politics? - Source: Status of Black Women in Politics
  2. How We Get Here? – Black women 16 years and over has experienced the highest unemployment rate among all other ethnic groups since 2007. - Source: The African American Labor Force in Recovery
  3. How We Get Here? – Black women are more likely to have children outside of marriage than other racial or ethnic groups. - Source: Congressional Research Service
  4. How We Get Here? – Women and Violence – 1 out of 5 women is sexually assaulted in college. Source:
  5. How We Get Here? - Women Living with HIV and AIDS - Source:
  6. How We Get Here? - Women are 80 percent more likely than men to be impoverished in retirement. - Source: National Institute on Retirement
  7. How We Get Here? - Women of Color are more likely to suffer with depression. - Source:
Click here if you would like to join us as a speaker or panelist, and here as a community forum participant.
